Be YOUnited! by Annette Pingitore
YOUnited is what happens when the YOU (internally, your soul) unites with the YOU (externally, who you are in the world). This is about YOU becoming whole and integrating who you are, inside and out. YOUniting is what we are all here to do, and the courses at The Center of Intuitive Education are designed to help you do just that.
Many of us have lost sight of ourselves at one time or another. We get so mired in our work, children, chores, etc. that we go unconscious and forget who we started out to be. Our intentions are good as we strive for perfection, but we sometimes go into autopilot and forget to stop and check-in: How am I feeling? What have I accomplished? What do I desire? Most importantly: WHO AM I?
That exact question is what ultimately led me to find the Center for Intuitive Education. I didn’t know who I was or what I wanted anymore, because I had fallen into co-dependent relationships and lost sight of my true identity. I also realized I had never really taken the time nor dug deep enough to discover whom I truly was in the first place, let alone what my life’s purpose was.
With Intuitive Development, I quickly realized that I had landed in the perfect place to examine myself on every level: spiritually, emotionally, and physically. The e-courses had me closely examine the many different aspects of myself.
“Embracing Your Truth” helped me understand who I am internally when I am connected spiritually. To quote Lynn, “judgment is the killer of higher consciousness.” This course taught me how to notice when I’m judging either myself or someone else so that I can quickly shift back into a conscious and aligned state. I now have the necessary confidence to dedicate my life to helping myself and others to find joy in life.
“Seven Human Roles” helped me solidify who I am in the roles I play as a human being. I now own who I am as a provider, lover, friend, daughter, mother, wife, and woman. This course enabled me to look into my childhood to see where I was wounded in each of these roles, due to feelings of jealousy and rejection. I discovered that if I had generated strength within myself, I would not have taken things personally.
“Understanding Emotional Patterns” taught me to identify how I express my feelings when I’m in my truth, hurt, anger and numb emotional states. I’m now more aware of what’s going on for me when I get emotionally triggered so I can quickly confront a person or situation from my heart, rather than from a reactive place of judgment. I used these tools to let go of my past and to become genuinely aware of my emotions.
“Defining Bottom Lines” had me examine the qualities I’m looking for in the people I choose to be in relationships with. Before this class, I didn’t realize how important it is to define these traits before establishing a relationship, of any kind, with another person. I was haphazardly allowing anyone into my life without examining whether or not they would add value to my life. I was behaving this way out of guilt over trying not to hurt anyone’s feelings. I would therefore learn “the hard way” how self-sacrificing it is to have relationships without healthy, pre-established boundaries. This class helped me focus on what I truly desire in my relationships.
These are just 4 examples of how the courses at Intuitive Development helped me find myself and feel “whole.” Best of all, the courses aren’t disconnected: After completing the first nine courses, you create a Blueprint for your life! It’s a thorough map that reminds you of WHO YOU ARE along with your intuitively, self-established action steps and tools for assisting you in healing and growing to fulfill your life purpose. There is no better time than now to “Be YOUnited!”
Want to know more about how to become an ID Blueprint™ Trainer and bring these programs into your sphere of influences for your clients, click here.