Me, Myself, and My Messages

All my life I have been searching for meaning: be it in nature, consciousness, sleep, dreams, or myself. This ceaseless search has been both my burden and best friend.

Prior to stumbling into a former-stumbler who introduced me to Lynn M. Bunch and the Center for Intuitive Development, I didn’t have names or even sign posts for my private, sacred methods for decision-making, or my “science of living,” if you will.

It was therefore a remarkable moment in my life when I started taking the Intuitive Development Blueprint courses, all of which give background, names, and best of all, reliable instructions for how to best use what I now refer to as my messages.

There are messages all around us: too many, if you ask me. “Lose weight the easy way…” “Improve your sex life instantly with…” “Choosy Moms choose…” These messages distract us from our guided messages, the only messages worth following.

I have a confession. Sometimes* in my life, I have purposefully ignored my guided messages, and more often than not, it was because they contradicted the “wisdom” of my country, culture or society. *(“Sometimes?” (blush) “I mean, uh, quite often…”)

Blame it on peer pressure, a desire to fit in, or weakness: I’ll own any accusation, for I now stand on the other side of what I formerly saw as an impenetrable wall separating me from what I always sought: self-confidence. I am now living in what I always intuited as my Truth, but this was no cakewalk, thanks to socialization.

I have replaced my affiliation with “Zombie University,” with the School of Intuitively Guided Conscious Humans. Our mission is simple: We follow messages and pay attention to signs in order to live a life of purpose, with joy and self-respect.

I know that the way I feel is not a permanent state. Just like everything in our ephemeral Universe, Living with Intuition requires dedication and discipline—but I am happy to report that I have now built a good streak of following messages without obsessing over why they arose, what they will accomplish, and best of all, how others will judge me and how I will judge myself. My chains were voluntary.

My Truth is not your Truth, but any two humans living in Truth can recognize each other, even if one is a Millennial skinny jeaned hipster brewing chick espresso and the other is a renegade leather chapped Boomer on a Harley: our hearts don’t judge.

We all come from and will exit our lives with a unique experience, but we all share the gift of intuition, which comes from the same source, and it’s a lot easier to see this, learn this, experience this, and ultimately manage this, when you have a guide.

Intuitive Development is the best guide I have found in thirty years of seeking. It’s not the only path, but it’s the best one for those who want education and support.

I tried for most of my life to make my way alone, and I didn’t fail, but as I was trekking the mountain of my as-of-yet greatest challenge, I learned how superior the reliable path of intuition is, and now I’m on it, and I’m ecstatic with the results.

Case Study written by and from Mike Oppenheim


The Power of Patience


Be YOUnited! by Annette Pingitore